Fierce and Beautiful – Ms. K


I so wish you could see Ms. K’s beautiful smile but you know I respect those model releases that my clients sign!

This woman is really special, and I think I got just as much out of her boudoir session as she did. I cannot express how grateful I am when someone takes the time to write out detailed feedback like Ms. K did below – it’s so helpful to me as I use it to continuously improve my experience and help other women feel confident enough to step outside of their comfort zone and book a session.

Thank you, Ms. K, for spending the day with me and trusting me to create this gift for your husband! xoxo

How do you think your session went?
AMAZING! I was so nervous up until my first phone call with Alisha. Then I was only a little nervous. But when I showed up the day of the appointment and started getting my hair and makeup done, I felt like I was having a girl’s day at a friend’s house. Once we got started and Alisha started showing me the different poses, she also provided feedback from behind the camera and I forgot all about everything I was worried about. I had so much fun!

What was the best part of the experience for you?
The best part of this experience is the lasting effect this one day will have on how I look and feel about myself. I didn’t go into this with the intention of boosting my self-esteem, but this day has definitely changed how I see myself in a positive way. The whole day was fantastic and all of the work Alisha puts into coordinating hair, make up, lunch and massage if you go that route made me feel pampered and relaxed.

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
I wish I could tell my pre-session self to stop worrying! I was worried about the fake nails looking fake in the camera, I was worried about the small chin hairs I couldn’t quite pull out, I don’t like how much arm hair I have, I was worried about looking natural in front of the camera, my curly hair is too frizzy sometimes…After seeing my photos, I couldn’t believe that was me. I have never seen myself like that and honestly had nothing to worry about! These photos turned out better than I ever could have imagined.

Would you change anything about the experience? If yes, what specifically? Is there anything we can improve?
I can’t think of anything I would want to change about this experience from a client’s perspective. Alisha works very hard to make things happen and the process was very easy to follow and understand.

How would you rate your body confidence post-session on a scale from 1-10?
10 (pre: 6)

How do your photos make you feel empowered? Do they make you feel seen? Describe how you might see something in yourself you haven’t seen in awhile (if you feel that way).
I feel empowered by seeing all of my insecurities disappear. Knowing that I stepped out of my comfort zone on my own free will to do something like this makes me feel incredible. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a friendly, shy, modest woman but when I saw those photos I saw this fierce, flirty, sexy queen!

“There aren’t enough words to explain how I am feeling about my boudoir experience with Alisha. If you’re thinking about it, or are on the fence, schedule a phone call with Alisha! This has been something I have been interested in for a while but I never really felt like I would enjoy seeing photographs of myself and my body in this way. My husband, however, has supported and empowered me to feel more myself than I ever have and through this I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin so I felt like I should just take a chance and give this a try. I was so nervous at first but after talking to Alisha and hearing her positive energy throughout our conversation, I knew I had to do this and it had to be with her.

From the very first phone call to her encouraging emails and social media posts, she is so sweet, friendly, supportive, and patient. Her personality definitely eased some of my nerves but naturally, there were things I still worried about: is it obvious my fake nails are fake? Should I have waxed my arm hair? Is that one chin hair I couldn’t pluck going to make an appearance? My curly hair is too frizzy to photograph well, maybe I should have done something else to it? The list goes on. The thought of looking at my photos with all of these things going through my head really worried me. Would I like them? I can honestly say once the day got started, all of that went away! I had so much fun getting my make up and hair done, chatting with the ladies, and taking photos that I completely forgot that I worried about anything! I was so excited to see my photos, and when I did I couldn’t believe that was me. I am still awe-struck and in love with all of them.

The whole experience made me feel like a movie star, I added the massage and lunch and it was the perfect way to calm down after the hype of posing, and laughing all morning. This one day will have an influence over me that I know will last a lifetime. What Alisha does is truly inspiring, and how she photographs and empowers women to see themselves in such a positive way is an amazing gift. Alisha, thank you for sharing your gift with me, I don’t think I will ever go back to seeing myself as anything less than fierce and beautiful. My body is not perfect, but I love it and myself more than I ever have because of what Alisha has shown me I am capable of through her art.”



Hair: Felicia Dixon, Hair Tease Salon
Makeup: Melanie Fuller, Kiss & Makeup

Let’s get you on my calendar for 2022 so that you can see yourself in a new light! Book a quick consult call with me here.

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