Reclaiming Femininity

Ms. S actually found me after her husband discovered my downtown studio one day. I’m extremely glad he told her about me because she was an absolute joy to work with!

She and her partner have been dealing with the incredibly difficult journey of infertility and she decided that a boudoir shoot was what she needed to reclaim her femininity. I was honored to give her this experience and it made me so happy to see her eyes light up at her own portraits. Thank you for the opportunity, Ms. S!

How do you think your session went?
SO WELL! Had a ton of fun!

What was the best part of the experience for you?
I think just reminding myself that I am beautiful regardless of what life throws at me. I have struggled with recurrent pregnancy loss and told my husband nothing makes you feel less feminine than going their fertility issues. I 100% needed this experience to remind myself I am enough.

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
Don’t doubt yourself for a minute and take the time to remind yourself of your own beauty every once in a while.

Would you change anything about the experience? If yes, what specifically? Is there anything we can improve?
I don’t have any constructive criticism. I really just enjoyed the entire experience.

How would you rate your body confidence post-session on a scale from 1-10?
8 (Pre: 6)

How do your photos make you feel empowered? Do they make you feel seen? Describe how you might see something in yourself you haven’t seen in awhile (if you feel that way).
The simplest answer to this question is that I see beauty in myself that haven’t seen in a while.

“If you look in the mirror at yourself and question your beauty, femininity and self worth then consider investing in a boudoir photoshoot. Why? Because I was that person in the mirror and after three recent pregnancy losses I lost sight of my femininity. Honestly, I had never felt less of a women. I am thankful that I invested in myself with the encouragement of my spouse because I was reminded that “damn, I still got it!”. My battle with fertility is still ongoing but now I am equipped with beautiful pictures to remind me in hard times that I am still FEMININE, BEAUTIFUL and ENOUGH!”


Hair/Makeup: Lauren Taylor Beauty

Let’s reclaim your self-worth and radiance, no matter what your recent journey has been! Schedule a call to get started.

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