“This Is A Must Do!”

I am behind with sharing these Sirens’ blog posts…this wonderful woman’s shoot was LAST October! I can’t believe it’s been a year already!

I can’t share any of her images (the top image is not of client quoted) but I definitely wanted to share her testimonial. As a mother of a young child, I knew how much she needed this special day to herself!

How do you think your session went?

What was the best part of the experience for you?
I felt so sexy! Having Alisha guide me through literally everything made me feel like I was going to have great photos, so I was excited the whole time.

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
Ummmm. You are one f****** hot mama.

Would you change anything about the experience? If yes, what specifically? Is there anything we can improve?
I’d have the cash to buy a bigger album (lol)!

How would you rate your body confidence post-session on a scale from 1-10?
9 (Pre: 6)

How do your photos make you feel empowered? Do they make you feel seen? Describe how you might see something in yourself you haven’t seen in awhile (if you feel that way).
I’ve spent so much of the last few years giving, giving, giving to everyone else. My family, my job, my friends, my community… I forgot that taking care of me is worth it and NECESSARY. These photos helped me remember that.

“I am never at a loss for words. I teach English for a living! But I was at a loss for words for Alisha revealed my photos, and honestly, four days later, I still am! This is a must-do!!!

It’s easy to forget to treat yourself like a priority in the everyday hustle… Schedule a call so I can remind you!

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This is not your average photoshoot

an experience that will change your life. 

You’ll walk away with an instant confidence boost, memories of an unforgettable day, and literal artwork that reminds you just how powerful and stunning you are.

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