A Special Christmas Gift for her Husband

Ms. R picked up her products last week and it went a little something like this…

I have to admit, I got teary-eyed watching her look at her album. It’s so, so special to me to watch you finally see yourself in a new, kinder, loving way. She has been keeping this a secret from her husband for pretty much a year! He is in for a very nice Christmas surprise. 😉

How do you think your session went?

What was the best part of the experience for you?
I think the best part was realizing I was able to step outside of my boundaries and do something so amazing for myself.

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
Don’t get in your head and overthink it. Not knowing what to expect it was easy to psych myself out 🙂

Would you change anything about the experience? If yes, what specifically? Is there anything we can improve?
Absolutely not, I had a blast!!

How would you now rank your body confidence on a scale of 1-10?
9 (pre: 5!)

“I have always been a shy, semi-reserved person. It takes me a while to get out of my comfort zone, so it’s pretty easy to say that doing a Boudoir photo shoot wasn’t something that was ever high in my list of to-dos, even though the intrigue was always there. Even leading up to the session, I second guessed myself, the way I would look, on and on. ALL of that was washed away the minute Alisha started clicking away. From the poses, the studio space, to her showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, everything, it was perfect. 

Seeing the photos, was mind blowing in the best possible way, to see yourself in a way that you never imagined felt so amazing, I had no words other than “this is crazy!! & “holy crap…that’s ME!” 

I did this initially a little bit for me, and a lot for my spouse, but after seeing the photos, it turned into A LOT for me and a little for him, it’s been the hardest secret I think I have had to keep in a long time. I look at the photos and am still blown away that it’s me, so If you’ve ever thought about doing a boudoir session, I absolutely recommend doing it, it’s so empowering and you will feel like a legit model! I am going to look at these photos all the time!!!”



Makeup: Melanie Fuller, Kiss & Makeup
Hair: Felicia Dixon, Hair Tease Salon

Request a time to chat with me so that I can give you this incredible feeling for yourself!

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This is not your average photoshoot

an experience that will change your life. 

You’ll walk away with an instant confidence boost, memories of an unforgettable day, and literal artwork that reminds you just how powerful and stunning you are.

 Ready to see yourself in a whole new light?

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