A 900% Body Confidence Increase from Boudoir

Ms. T was a ball of fun. She went into this experience with an open mind and was blown away by the end. In fact, she ranked her body confidence 900% higher by the end her session!

She chose her 8 favorite images to put into a luxury album, and it’s clear that “in the sheets” was her favorite set. 😉See below to read what she said about her boudoir session and see her other 7 favorite images!

How do you think your session went?
It was amazing!!

What was the best part of the experience for you?
All of it was my favorite. I’ve never seen myself as sexy until I had these photos taken.

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
Don’t be so nervous or conscious. You made me feel like we had known each other for years and it was absolutely amazing fun.

Would you change anything about the experience? If yes, what specifically? Is there anything we can improve?
Nothing at all. It was perfect!!

How would you rank your body confidence now on a scale of 1-10?
10 (Pre-session: 1!)

“This was the most empowering experience ever. I would highly recommend doing this at least once. I’m already looking to have another one done. We women, as moms, working all of the time, and no real chance to do something for ourselves, we deserve this!! It’s time for us to shine and enjoy being the strong women that we are. We’re worth it!!”



Hair: Felicia Dixon, Hair Tease Salon
Makeup: Melanie Fuller, Kiss & Makeup

Do you want to increase your self-confidence, too? Request a consultation call with me so we can discuss how it works!

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This is not your average photoshoot

an experience that will change your life. 

You’ll walk away with an instant confidence boost, memories of an unforgettable day, and literal artwork that reminds you just how powerful and stunning you are.

 Ready to see yourself in a whole new light?

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