“I don’t think I can do boudoir poses!”

I was a bit stunned when, at the end of her reveal and ordering, a recent client admitted to me, “I was so nervous I wouldn’t be able to do the poses. I worried that you would be irritated or disappointed, and my whole session would be a waste of your time.”

When she said this, she was on the high that comes after picking out her final gallery and you could hear the relief in her voice that this didn’t end up being the case.

My first reaction was, “Oh, my God! Do I give off that vibe??” (Because, of course, I am not immune to insecurities.) When she assured me that in no way did I make her feel that way, it was just her own anxieties at play, I felt a bit better; however, the admission was still eye-opening for me because she was the first client to have articulated those specific fears that candidly to me.

I guarantee that every one of my clients has entered this experience with some apprehension around executing all of the poses that you see splashed across my social feeds and website. It’s easy to understand why – some of them look like very athletic feats. Because you have likely never attempted moving your wonderful body in ways like this, you have no way of knowing how amazing it can look and feel.

I can promise you that the day of your session, you will not disappoint me – or yourself – and I take specific steps to ensure this is true.

When we begin your session, before I even get you set up in your first pose, I explain to you how the whole process is going to go so you know what to expect. I then demonstrate some specific hand, arm and other gestures that I will be instructing you in throughout the duration of the shoot. I ask for your consent in physically making adjustments to your limbs myself to make it easier on you. I remind you that you can take a break to drink water, stretch, use the restroom or simply breathe at any point.

We typically start off with some “easy” poses to get you comfortable and warmed up. It should only take a few minutes for you to feel more relaxed and at ease. I get you more in tune with your body and consistently encourage you by telling you how amazing you’re doing. I demonstrate almost every single pose myself first, then repeat the steps to achieve it and help you get set in the pose – every time. If this means that I’m helping lift your hips off the floor or bend your knee just so, then I’m doing it!

We take our time to move your body in the position it needs to be in. I will “push” you at times (because most of my clients aren’t even aware of what their bodies are capable of!), but if at any time you are uncomfortable or want to move on, we do.

It’s true that not every single pose works for every body, so that is why we do so many different ones during the shoot – you’re going to get an incredible variety to choose from that helps you see yourself in a way you didn’t think was possible. Plus, when you are nailing a certain pose, I definitely let you know – I am the world’s best hype woman behind a camera. 😉

If you can’t imagine yourself successfully performing the gorgeous poses you see in my images, set up a short call with me so I can tell you all the steps I take to help you accomplish this!

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