Ms. M’s Gorgeous Session

This week’s blog post has a big, beautiful gallery for you to enjoy! Ms. M was so apprehensive about doing this for the first time. When she came in for her in-person consultation, she was pretty positive that nothing would look good on her. By the end of the consult, she had way more than 3 outfits that looked incredible on her! She surprised me by bringing the green teddy on her own on her session day and you all know how I love me some green in my studio.

When she saw her gallery up on the studio television that afternoon, she was so pleasantly surprised. She chose 40 of her images in a gorgeous 10×10 album in a light brown vegan leather, an acrylic block showcasing one of her “in the sheets” images, the mobile app and all of her matching digitals in both color and black and white.

How do you think your session went?

What was the best part of the experience for you?
How comfortable Alisha made me feel.

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
To find my inner goddess, it really was easy and fun!

How would you rate your body confidence post-session on a scale from 1-10?
6 (pre-5)

“The whole experience was amazing, from the pre session consult to the picture review. It was easy and actually fun, and trust me, I would have never thought I would actually have fun doing this, Alisha made it so comfortable and I forgot all my nervousness almost immediately after starting.”


Hair: Ájee Jámaine
Makeup: Amanda Best, AB Esthetics

Are you female-identifying and 18 years or older? Please join our private community of womxn on Facebook!

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This is not your average photoshoot

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