Ms. C’s Gift for her Husband Turns Into a Gift for Herself!

Okaaaaay, Ms. C. She came in and OWNED the sultry. She was completely brave and opened herself up to be vulnerable to the experience and the result was authentic, stunning images of her. She brought and wore her own false lashes from her salon in Lillington and got to show them off!

You definitely should read her feedback and check out her beautiful gallery below.

How do you think your session went?
I think it went awesome. I enjoyed every moment, even though I was exhausted afterwards.

What was the best part of the experience for you?
Seeing the pictures!

Now that you’ve completed your session and seen your images, is there something that
you would have liked to tell your pre-session self to do, not do, or not to worry about?
Touch your roots up before the shoot! Yoga! I think it helped me going with my cousin and seeing the process first. I am such a nervous person, so this did help calm the nerves some.

Would you change anything about the experience? If yes, what specifically? Is there anything we can improve?
Nope! You were great through the whole process. You have a system that works well.

How would you rate your body confidence post-session on a scale from 1-10?
7 (Pre: 5)

“Going into this, I wanted to have something special to give my husband, but after seeing my pictures….I realized this was more for me than him. I have always struggled with self-confidence and still do even after the shoot. But seeing myself in a different point of view really did give me a sense of love for my body that I have never had before. In my typically day to day life, I forget what self love is and focus on what is around me. Now, I have these amazing photos to stop and reflect on a moment where I put myself first and truly learned to love me. Thanks to Alisha for being such an amazing woman to help build the confidence of other women and give us the gift of a lifetime with this unforgettable experience. She was absolutely the best person to work with!”



Hair: Felicia Dixon, Hair Tease Salon
Makeup: Melanie Fuller, Kiss & Makeup
Lashes: Sarah Raquel Artistry

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